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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Made a decision to ride my bike to work

Winter came and went with me adding another 15 lbs. It seems every winter since moving to Minnesota, I add on 10 or 15 lbs, then only take off a portion of what I did to myself over the winters. This leaves me with an annual net gain. Every winter I dutifully get out the trainer, put the bike on it, and let it sit there collecting dust. Here it is mid April 2011. I'm 47 years old. I weigh 216 lbs. I have an arthritic knee. And I've just decided to cycle to work. Yikes!

I live 6 miles from the office. The office is in downtown Minneapolis. The commute is on city streets which have lanes for bicycles. Now, what to wear? Do I wear my work clothes? Do I wear bike clothes, carry my work stuff and change at work? NO! I can just see me riding the elevator in bike clothes. So, it's decided, I'm wearing work clothes. New questions come up. If I'm dressed for work, I shouldn't get sweaty. How the hell am I going to not get sweaty? I have some time before I have to worry about that, it's April in Minnesota. My second commute was in driving sleet. But i'll save that for another entry.


  1. Kudos for trying! Think about leaving a few sets of clothes at the office and changing once you get there.

  2. Oh, Kate is here. She's drinking wine with the wife
