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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Headaches - Travel - A New Dog - and Sloth

These are all the things I'm allowing myself to believe are keeping me from getting my ass on my bike. I'm feeling the stress of failure and want to do something about it. I'm really struggling with the migraines right now
and have not bothered to figure out what is triggering them so I can remove the onset. It's amazing because exercise reduces the likelihood of a trigger event and I'm not exercising. I'm clearly insane or in love with migraines. I'm not saying exercise eliminates the migraine, but if you could cut in half the number of times somebody hits you in the head with a hammer, would you? I hope your answer is yes or else you would be insane like me. Also my allergy meds remove a trigger event, but I don't take them often enough to at least build a supportive level in my system. Again, crazy with wanting the pain. Two weeks of travel have limited the number of opportunities for riding. I've been on the road for 7 of the last 14 days. You might say, "Hey Chris, that leaves 7 days to get out on the bike." First off, you're a jerk. Second, I did get out 2 of the days. It rained one of those days and for the remaining 4 days available to ride, I had to sit in my chair at home and watch TV. Now I'm regretting not riding those 4 days. We adopted a dog from AHS we know nothing about, so one of us will have to be home with him until we get him acclimated to his new surroundings and kennel trained. This means I can't go for a bike ride whenever I want. More excuses.

Here I will make the commitment to ride 4 times this coming week and twice on the weekend. Headaches, dog and sloth will have to yield.

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