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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Oh Fat Guy - Where have you been?

You are probably wondering why I've not posted since June.  Or you're not because you didn't even realize I haven't posted in 4 months.  I could say I fell, hit my head and got amnesia, but that didn't happen. I could say that I became discouraged because I only have 10 followers, but that wouldn't be true. Well, I would like more followers but I haven't lost heart over it.  You are not going to believe me when I tell you this, but my terrific prose and Lilekian wit (Jame Lileks: writer and real smart dude) was not me.  You see, I'm a functioning idiot.  I can't string 2 sentences together without completely destroying all the grammer rules of the English language.  I rely on my beautiful and brilliant wife, who not only is perfect in her use of the English language, but is it's sole protector who delivers swift and horrifying justice to those who stray from it's well-defined and documented rules. (Such as: in the previous sentence, "well-defined" needed a hyphen.) See, without her all you would get from me is a bunch of jumbled thoughts that lead to no real ... uh, something ... SQUIRREL!  

My beautiful and brilliabnt wife would copy edit all my posts before publishing them.  I would sit there and listen to her type, delete and retype almost complete sentences, and I convinced myself that she would have an easier time editing Trigg Palin's blog, if'n he had a blog.  So I talked myself out of blogging.  I have several posts from the summer that I never asked her to edit, but was too scared to post without the once-over by Grammo, protector of the written word.  So I put my keyboard down and walked away.

I've decided to continue my blogging with Cynthia's help.  I'm no longer embarrassed by my ignorance.  She and I are like Martel 'Too Sweet' Gordone in Penitentiary II, back and badder than ever!